Join us this Sunday! Service: 10:45a...Life Groups for All Ages: 9:30a

Ministry Opportunities

We have a place for YOU to serve

Do you like working behind the scenes? Our Audio & Visual Ministry is looking for some volunteers to help with sound, lights and video. This is a great place to start in ministry (and there is no age limit)! If you are looking for a place to serve at church and you want to help out within this great ministry of our church, please email or contact Frank Rumbawa at [email protected] or 760.717.9102 or submit the form below.

Perhaps you enjoy working outside and would like to help...riding the mower, trimming trees, pulling weeds, picking up trash, etc. We will schedule a work day after the temperatures begin to cool, but in the meantime our property continues to need some TLC and much of this work can be done at your own leisure. If you are available to help (inside or out), please contact James Davis at 405.795.9209 or submit the form below.

If you feel that your ministry lies more directly with people, perhaps you would be interested in our Greeter & Usher Ministry. During COVID, things may look a little different (no hugs, hand-shakes, or high-fives), but we still want to create a warm, welcoming environment. Our Greeters and Ushers need to be warm from a distance, able to smile behind a mask, and able to direct attenders to their seats. Our Sanitizers work either before, during, or after the service, to sanitize high-touch surfaces to keep them safe for all attenders. If you would like information about this ministry, please contact Jill Rathburn at [email protected] or submit the form below.